Quick Glossary: Video Games

Video game technology has made significant advancements in the last decade, increasing its accessibility and popularity among players. These games have a myriad of benefits and uses, from improving cognitive skills like focus, response time and visual memory to stimulating creativity, encouraging teamwork and releasing serotonin. To remain up to speed with the projected success …

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10 Tips for Sharpening Your Logical Thinking (Free Download)

Logical thinking is critical for IT professionals, managers and executives. You must be able to diagnose problems end users are having. You must be able to evaluate vendor claims. You must be able to refute your boss when he or she turns down your request for a raise or promotion. The following concepts from TechRepublic …

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Hiring Kit: Operations Research Analyst

In a competitive business environment where every decision has the potential to make or break the strategic goals and aspirations of an organization, decision makers need reliable and quantifiable information. And, as businesses become more complicated and rely more on technology for their decision-making processes, the most reliable information is often collected and processed using …

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Feature Comparison: Time Tracking Software and Systems

Choosing the right time-tracking software or service for your organization requires a thorough assessment of your current business operations. These guidelines and accompanying comparison tool, created by Mark W. Kaelin for TechRepublic Premium, provide the customizable framework your business needs to document the decision-making process. Featured text from the guide: TYPE OF SYSTEM NEEDED Before …

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Hiring Kit: GDPR Data Protection Compliance Officer

The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation requires every business enterprise and public authority that collects personal data from EU customers and clients to protect that data from unauthorized access. Finding ideal candidates for the GDPR data protection compliance officer position will require thorough vetting, and potential candidates may be difficult to find. This hiring …

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