eLearning and Continuing Education Policy

Regardless of its industry or business, an enterprise can only reach the level of success that is achievable by the people that exist within that enterprise. Strategic plans, marketing campaigns, new product designs, technological innovations, etc., are all dependent on skilled people. If your enterprise views labor as a cost to be controlled rather than …

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Commercial Endorsement Policy

Commercial endorsements involve requests to company staff or officials from third-party vendors or other businesses to promote or vouch for their products or services. For example, a technology vendor might request a statement or interview with the CIO that approves its anti-malware product and recommends it for use. This policy, written by Scott Matteson for …

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Hiring Kit: IoT Architect

IoT architects must have exemplary skills and experience in designing, developing and deploying communication networks, but more importantly, they must be able to envision a future where every device is connected. They must anticipate the benefits and the problems an interconnected world creates, and fashion a way to make those assets useful. Recruiting an IoT …

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